Investing in Real Estate

Investing in Real Estate Introduction Real estate is one of the foremost, tried, and tested investment vehicles that have generated wealth for investors for an extended period. There are different ways to invest in real estate with varying levels of risk and profitability. Investing in real estate can help diversify Read more…

Investing in Treasury Bills

Introduction We continue this series of articles on how to invest your money with consideration of Treasury Bills. If you are new here, you can start here or look at the recent posts and archives on the side widget.   What are Treasury Bills? Treasury bills are short-term, government-backed debt Read more…

Investing in Bonds

Introduction In this series of articles, we have already explored different investment options like small businesses, stocks, and mutual funds. In this article, we look at bonds as another popular, tried, and tested investment vehicle. What is a Bond? A bond is a financial instrument that companies, municipals, and the Read more…

Investing in Mutual Funds

What are Mutual Funds? Investing in mutual funds is another investment vehicle that can help you grow your money and achieve your financial goals. Mutual Funds are pools of money collected from various individual investors and invested in multiple securities like stocks, bonds, fixed-income securities, among others. Mutual Funds are Read more…

Stock Investing

Stock Investing Stocks are one of the most popular investment vehicles that people have consistently used to build wealth. A report shows that nearly every member of the Forbes 400 list got there because of a large portion of shares in public and private corporations. If you have decided to Read more…