Below are my favourite personal finance content for the outgoing week

  1. How to Make the Most of Your Unemployment If You’ve Lost Your Job

Heather Levin, writing for Money Crashers, offers some useful tips for those who have lost their jobs because of the COVID-19 situation. She encourages people to focus on maximizing this period of unemployment rather than spend it all recounting losses. Some of her advice includes acquiring technical and career skills to advance your career, working on your weaknesses, volunteering, maximizing your network, exercising, and fine-tuning your social media profiles.

Read the article here:

  • How to Tame Money Anxiety – Backed By Expert Advice

In this article, Sarah Archer deeps dive into money anxiety – causes, symptoms, and solutions. She examines some of the emotional features that accomplish money anxiety (restlessness, fatigue, sleep problems, concentration problems). Underspending or overspending, debt, steering clear of discussions about your finances, and inability to effect desired changes are some of the causes of money anxiety. Some of the solutions she offers include recognizing your financial accomplishments, creating and sticking to a budget, identifying what you can control, asking for relief, and focusing on your goals.

Read the article here:

  • Getting Real with Real Estate

In this podcast, the team at Motley Fool discusses real estate investment with Matt Argersinger on Motley Fool Answers. They examine why most people invest in the stock market and not as much in the real estate market. They give clear guidelines on how the average person can begin to build their property empire, earn attractive returns, and enjoy some tax benefits.

Listen to the podcast here:

  • What are the FAANG stocks, and why are they popular?

In this video, Simranpal Singh examines the FAANG stocks – what they are, why they are popular, and an analysis of their intrinsic value. Simranpal uses trusted and tested valuation methods to measure the intrinsic value of these stocks and determine if they are worth buying at the present price.

Watch the video here:

  • Is Dollar-Cost Averaging A Smart Way To Invest

Lance Cothern, writing for Money under 30, examines if the dollar-cost averaging concept is a good one for investment. Lance explains why he thinks the dollar-cost averaging concept is sound, especially for people who get paid regularly throughout the year. He also examines the concept of automatic investments.

Read the article here:

Paul Owolabi

I am a content writer whose passion is to work with businesses in the finance industry to create content that places them above the park.


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