I want to use this opportunity to say a happy new year to all the readers of this blog.

A new year offers us fresh opportunities to rethink our priorities, evaluate our plans, and the overall direction of our lives. Before the end of 2019, I wrote an article on how you should tidy up your finances as we approach a new year. The New Year is finally here, and it is time to resume from where we stopped.   Before we begin to explore what is in store for this year (and there are many exciting things in store), I would like to start by making some general points that will make this year a financially productive year.

The learning must not stop

The choice is never between progress and stagnancy; it is always a choice between progressing and retrogressing. Man is never stagnant. We are either becoming better or worse. It is not the size of the progression or retrogression that matters, it is the fact of it.

[bctt tweet= ” The choice is never between progress and stagnancy; it is always a choice between progressing and retrogressing. Man is never stagnant. We are either becoming better or worse. It is not the size of the progression or retrogression that matters, it is the fact of it. “]

In this New Year, never stop learning. Readers, they say, are leaders. Information is the heartbeat of every transformation, and we are not the first people to discover that. You cannot grow beyond your knowledge. Therefore, to achieve growth and progress, commit to continuous learning.

Subscribe to blogs, read books, subscribe to podcasts, join a forum, and keep exploring various means to improve your knowledge in the realm of personal finance.  

Alvin Toffler says it best, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”

Your goals are valid

Don’t be afraid to dream. Every successful person has been put down for his or her lofty dreams. People will tell you the reasons why your dreams are invalid. You must tell yourself why they are valid. Do you want to start that business this year? Your dream is valid. Do you want to achieve financial independence before you are 40? Your dream is valid. Do you want to pay off your mortgage in half the time? Your dream is valid.

[bctt tweet= ” Do you want to start that business this year? Your dream is valid. Do you want to achieve financial independence before you are 40? Your dream is valid. Do you want to pay off your mortgage in half the time? Your dream is valid. “]

What matters is that you have a clear strategy/plan and the commitment to see it through.

“We will only grow as big as we dream that’s why we must dream big” – Gabrielle Williams

Information is better than ignorance

It is good to act fast, but it always bad to act fast in ignorance. Take the time to increase your knowledge in that area before you make your decision. The only time you should not take is time for paralyzing fears and doubts (there are some informative fears and doubts that are valid). Do not make financial choices (or any choices for that matter) out of ignorance. Ensure you are familiar with every opportunity, platform, service, offer before you take the plunge.

[bctt tweet= ” Do not make financial choices (or any choices for that matter) out of ignorance. Ensure you are familiar with every opportunity, platform, service, offer before you take the plunge. “]

Misinformation can be worse than ignorance

While ignorance is not bliss, misinformation is catastrophic. Not every information peddler out there has your best interest at heart. Some only care for their bottom line. There are so many untruths out there. Many personal finance wisdom are disguised marketing strategies to take you in. Be alert. Read trusted blogs and websites and follow trustworthy mentors. The biblical principle of justice, “in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established” can be a lifesaver in this context. When you are not sure of the truthfulness of any information or the goodwill of the informant, seek out other trusted people to get confirmations.

[bctt tweet= ” While ignorance is not bliss, misinformation is catastrophic.”]

When the uninformed argue with the misinformed, there is no need to choose a side – Carmine Savastano

Don’t just learn, do

While you should not act in ignorance or on misinformation, you should also not live in indecision. Learning without doing is useless. Everyone wants to change the world, but only a few are even willing to get out of bed. Writing out your goals is never enough. If wishes were horses, even beggars would ride. A good plan is not the same as a good life. Well-structured, SMART goals make no difference when there is no commitment to act. As Tony Robbins puts it, “The path to success is to take massive, determined actions.”

[bctt tweet= ” Everyone wants to change the world, but only a few are even willing to get out of bed. Writing out your goals is never enough. If wishes were horses, even beggars would ride. A good plan is not the same as a good life”]

Always keep the big picture in mind

Don’t just set goals for the year; let those goals flow out of your long term goals and life pursuits. It is easy to live in the here and now and forget the “there and then.” Never take a short term approach to life. Let your winnings today be the type that prepares you to win in the long run. Let the victories of today contribute to the utmost victory. Let your long-term goals and life pursuits be clear, then your yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily goals can flow from them.

[bctt tweet= ” Never take a short term approach to life. Let your winnings today be the type that prepares you to win in the long run. Let the victories of today contribute to the utmost victory. Let your long-term goals and life pursuits be clear, then your yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily goals can flow from them. “]

“Never let a short term desire get in the way of a long term goal.” ~ Curtis Martin

Live a unified life

This is one point I tried to make many times over last year. Yes, there are different aspects of life. However, the key to living a successful life is to keep them integrated. Don’t treat your money as just one part of your life disconnected from all others. Live an integrated life. Let your financial goals flow out from your overall life goals (you can replace the word “financial” with every other aspect of life). Money must never be an end in itself but a means to an end. If you treat money as an end in itself, you will become a slave to mammon. But when you keep your life goals in view, you will see your money as a servant and not a master.

[bctt tweet= ” Money must never be an end in itself but a means to an end. If you treat money as an end in itself, you will become a slave to mammon. But when you keep your life goals in view, you will see your money as a servant and not a master. “]

“And an integrated life is one where you’re able to fit the different pieces of your life together in a seamless fashion.” – James Collins


Once again, I wish you a financially productive year. Like every year, it is a year with many prospects. Take charge of your finances this year, get the proper mindset, and you will be on the way to incredible progress.

Paul Owolabi

I am a content writer whose passion is to work with businesses in the finance industry to create content that places them above the park.


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